Class of 2024 Community Service Day

Class Updates,

The final session of Leadership Augusta was a remarkable day dedicated to community service and deepening our understanding of local issues. Chaired by the dynamic duo Shell Berry and Brittany Burnett, the day was a blend of educational discussions and hands-on volunteerism, reflecting the core values of leadership and community involvement.

The day kicked off with a session aimed at debunking myths surrounding non-profit organizations. Participants engaged in a thought-provoking discussion shedding light on the realities and challenges faced by non-profits. This was followed by an enlightening presentation on the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) study, which examines the financial hardships experienced by many in our community despite being employed. This study highlights the growing number of individuals and families who are struggling to afford basic necessities, even with one or more income earners in the household.

The morning continued with an engaging panel discussion featuring prominent community leaders: Donovan Lee, Eric Jenkins, Jason Cuevas and Blakely Down. Each panelist brought a unique perspective to the table, discussion their experiences and insights on community leadership, the importance of civic engagement, and the impact of local initiatives. Their dialogue provided valuable lessons and inspired participants to think critically about their roles in fostering community development.

Following the panel, Harry Revell lead a focused discussion on the significance of board service. He emphasized the responsibilities and rewards of serving on non-profit boards, offering practical advice on how to be an effective board member. The session was particularly insightful for those looking to take on more significant roles in community organizations.

The day culminated in hands-on volunteer projects, where participants put their leadership into action. Groups dispersed to various local organizations to lend a hand: Augusta Locally Grown, The Salvation Army’s Center of Hope and Golden Harvest.

This final day of Leadership Augusta was not just a conclusion but a powerful reminder of the importance of community service and leadership. Participants left with a renewed commitment to making a positive impact in Augusta, equipped with new knowledge, strengthened networks, and unforgettable experiences.

Submitted by: Cheryl Y. Willis, Leadership Augusta c/o 2024